The continuing saga of the red truck...I removed the miskit from the painting this evening and then worked on the front of the truck with the watercolors in a traditional manner. It is going to take a while...slowly but surely! (I hope!!!!!)
Welcome to Barb's Daily Creations! I have lofty ambitions - I want to post a new drawing or painting every day. The purpose of this, of course is to stay creative and on task artistically even when I may not feel the muses calling, prodding and pushing. I hope that you enjoy my humble efforts, because, ultimately, that is the purpose of creating art - to enrich lives - mine and yours. Thanks for visiting!
Barb, the color on the front of the truck is so rich! I usually don't look at truck, but I sure admire this one:-) I love it even in this unfinished stage.
Thanks, Christiane...I think the color is rich because of the first poured liquid acrylic layer which is more intense than watercolor.
This is beautiful. I like the color combination and contrast. You are really selecting difficult subject to paint.
Thanks, Cora...It has been a challenge but fun to paint. I am now anxious to see it finished.
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