Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, May 6, 2011

WIP 2: House in German Village

Well - worked today on this again - it is taking forever.  Michelle and I painted together today and she helped me a lot but it still needs a lot of work - especially the white door! (smile)   It's driving me nuts - too much detail...why do I always want to do structures that run off the painting surface?  It must be something in my psyche! :)


Carol Blackburn said...

It's lovely, Barb. I have a similar house right on my road and I often wondered what style it was. Now I guess I know it's German. It's an interesting looking old place.
I read about running off or anchoring an object to the side of the canvas and do that often myself. My husband doesn't understand why my rooster's tail feathers are as he says "cut off" by the frame. If I remember right it gives the piece continuity or a feeling of going on instead of just standing there alone. I like it alot and continue to use it.
It works for this painting, too. Makes you want to know what else is in that neighborhood. :)

Barb Sailor said...

Carol - I'm with you on this compositional element - I like to run things off of the page and yes - I also ran a rooster's tail feathers off the page. :) If we both do it - it must be okay!