Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Left-Handed Painting

The projects for this month involve painting with the non-dominant hand.  This is painted from the photo provided by Watercolor Workshop.  It is interesting because last year the same provided photo was also the project of the month and I painted it in my traditional style.  As would be expected - this version is much looser than the first, (which is somewhere in my archives).  Because I didn't know how this would turn out, I made the paper very small (for me) - it is 4" x 6" and it is painted on 140 lb. Fabriano Artistico cold-pressed watercolor paper.

I am also taking part in 30 paintings in 30 days challenge on the blog of  Leslie Saeta: www.lesliesaeta.blogspot.com. and I plan to use this as my first painting of the month.

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