Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, August 12, 2011

Some New Photos for Painting

The Muses didn't meet yesterday so my friend Pamela Baker and I decided to make it a "Photo Op" day.  We spent the afternoon in Logan County, Ohio, a beautiful place.  Pamela is a professional photographer, so I didn't take near as many pictures as she, but what I did get, I like very much and I can see some paintings in my future!!!   These are 3 that I downloaded today.
Being with Pamela is so much fun - she gets so excited over old abandoned houses, tractors, trucks, etc.,  and of course that is right up my alley because as you all know, I love old trucks!!! (and old barns, old houses, old windows, etc. etc. etc.)

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