Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Celebration of Autumn

I was so inspired over the weekend by the wonderful colors and the beautiful pumpkins.  Many crops didn't survive the drought this summer, but the pumpkins did -they thrive in dry weather because their large flat leaves collect what moisture there is in the air!!!  Last night I decided to paint a quick watercolor to celebrate the season...so I dug out my sea sponge and sponged a painting, finishing with brushes.  I am always struck by the complementary contrast in colors at this time of year with the oranges and reds on the ground and the beautiful blue skies!

I am always conflicted at this time of year - it is so beautiful, but yet I tend to get depressed because the days are getting less sunlight and there is always the knowledge that the dark, cold days of winter are rapidly approaching. It could be, also, that my birthday is in the fall. :-(  At least the beauty of the season helps.


Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Barb - your painting looks so cheerful. I know what you mean about this time of the year - I too get a bit down when I see the days get shorter. Guess we just have to look forward to being indoors painting more. Have a good day.

Barb Sailor said...

Thanks, Debbie! It is so hard not to get "down" when the days are getting shorter - but - your thoughts about painting more are great! I DO have great lighting in my studio and I do spend a lot of time there.